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Classes follow the ISTD syllabus and required uniforms.


Uniform is available from:


Fancy Dance - 

35 Micklegate, York YO1 6JH

Phone: 01904 642221


Dancers of York - 

Lynn - offers home delivery service

07594 632345

Lynn who supplies the dancewear/uniform will be in the main studio waiting room on Saturday 10th September between 9-12 and plans to come every other Saturday from then on.


Both suppliers offer a 10% discount to students when mentioning you dance with Katie Ventress School of Dance.


We also offer a second-hand uniform option via the following Facebook site:



We also offer branded KVSD T-shirts and Hoodies priced at:

Tshirts - £12

Hoodies £20

Sizes - 

Age 3-4

Age 5-6

Age 7-8

Age 9-11

Age 12-13


Adult S, M, L


Please either ask at the dance studio or email -








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